I tried, tried, and tried again

To no avail, the winner is always pain.

Tears never shed; feelings never shared

This life is dry, all blood has bled.

Farewell mother, my kind jailer.

Farewell to my family, you ruthless supervisor.

Farewell friends, the loneliest of companies.

Farewell to my country, our invisible walls.


A mystery to some and a known fact for others

Clueless and prophets, they’re all the same.

My death was engineered by my brothers

I no longer exist and there is no one to blame.


I’m going somewhere you can’t follow

Because no one is here I’m finally free.

This person has disappeared and joined the earth,

Back to the void that that gave it birth.


I want to create without limit,

Live in a place where’s nothing in it,

Accept my fate and be at ease,

Kill the voice that hinders peace.